News & Blog

Understanding the outgrowth of prostate cancer bone metastases
by Prof. Dr. Tobias Lange and Dr. Vera Labitzky (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf) The main research focus of our group has been to study distant metastasis formation in human [...]
Three reasons why I love doing science
and the connection to the µBone consortium - Franziska Knopf, TU Dresden First: You ask important questions. And sometimes (not always) you'll find the answer, which is very exciting! [...]
Meet your neighbours!
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford Cooperative research and mutual interaction are one of the main goals of the µbone [...]
WNT signaling in prostate cancer metastases to bone
by Stefanie Conrad, Giulia Furesi and Wadim Kisel, Bone Lab Dresden The aim of our project is to examine the role of Wnt signaling in the bone microenvironment during [...]
Micromanaging the bone microenvironment
by Eric Hesse and Hanna Taipaleenmäki, UKE Hamburg For decades, the central dogma of molecular biology was that our genetic code is stored as a DNA, which is converted [...]
An opportunity to learn: Hands-on Histology skills beyond your current state
Our first workshop “Master Class Histopathology (prostate and breast cancer)” has been carried out by Prof. Sven Perner and his team at the Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck Prof. Perner organized [...]
How does myostatin impact bone metastases?
by Berno Dankbar, David de Gorter and Julia Reinhardt, Institute of Muskuloskeletal Medicine, University Hospital Münster (UKM) At present our prime expertise is how to investigate the molecular mechanisms [...]
Susanna Lissek works on new 3D in vitro models to study early disseminated prostate cancer cells
by Susanna Lissek, Miodrag Guzvic and Christoph Klein (University Regensburg) Susanna M. Lissek recently started as PhD student in the lab of Dr. Miodrag Guzvic and Prof. Christoph Klein [...]
Women in science
Society needs the talent and skills of both women and men to solve its most pressing challenges! by Prof. Dr. Verena-Wilbeth Sailer; Universität zu Lübeck Positive role models are [...]
Szia from Budapest!
International scientific exchange at the ECTS by Andy Göbel, Universitätsklinikum der Technischen Universität Dresden Several µBone scientists attended this year’s European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) congress to meet the [...]
FORTiTher: New research alliance of the Bavarian Research Foundation
Two million Euro to study diagnostic methods in cancer for the individualization of treatment strategies. The Foundation Council and the Board of Trustees of the Bavarian Research foundation decided [...]
For the second time the UKE cancer researcher Prof. Dr. Klaus Pantel won the EU ERC Advanced Grant
Scientist studies the formation of secondary tumors in breast and prostate cancer For the second time around Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Pantel of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) [...]