News & Blog

Fifth µBone Retreat: great to meet all of you again in Dresden!
On April 15th – April 17th we met in Dresden at Hotel Elbflorenz for our 5th µBone Retreat. We started with a brief welcome address given by our µBone [...]
New publication by µBONE researchers!
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in men. When prostate cancer is diagnosed at the localized stage, the chances of cure are high. The bones [...]
Cancer and Bone updates from ASBMR 2023
by Hanna Taipaleenmäki, LMU Munich The 2023 Annual Conference of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) was organized in Vancouver, Canada on 13th -16th October. Around [...]
Congratulations to our µBone researchers Aldo Leal Egaña and Yasmin Antonelli for three busy & successful months!
We are proud to share the participation of Aldo and Yasmin, scientists of our µBone project 14, in the article „Propionate reinforces epithelial identity and reduces aggressiveness of lung [...]
New publications by µBONE researchers: Regina Ebert and Franziska Jundt from Würzburg found a measure for bone regeneration in Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a highly prevalent tumor in the bone marrow and bone, which until now, cannot be cured. It is associated with pain, fractures, and a severe loss [...]
Dive into the ultimate lab adventure at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf with µBone Consortium
by Dr. Ielizaveta Gorodetska, PostDoc, Oncoray, Dubrovska lab (P6) In June 2023, I was fortunate to have a lab rotation at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, The Center for Experimental Medicine, [...]
µBone scientist Dr. Haider visited the Fudan University in Shanghai to participate in the Sino-German mobility program
In the past, cancer cell behavior has commonly been studied based on the entire tumor. Consequently, the cellular and molecular heterogeneity of the disease has been neglected. In particular, [...]
Our µBone researchers Aldo Leal-Egaña and Yasmin Antonelli published a new paper!
We proudly present the new article „In Situ Fabrication of Constraints for Multicellular Micro-Spheroids Using Two-Photon Lithography“ by Taale M, …, Antonelli Y, Leal-Egaña A and Selhuber-Unkel C, that [...]
BACK INTO ACTION – Great to meet our new µBone family on our fourth Retreat in Dresden!
On April 04-06, 2023, we met in Dresden at Hotel Elbflorenz for our 4th µBone Retreat. Since we were not able to meet face-to-face for the last two years, [...]
On the importance of presentation skills in scientific careers and why you should invest in them
Andy Göbel, group leader and presentation trainer Developing excellent presentation skills is becoming increasingly important in science. This is not surprising given the number of talks you listen to [...]
Our way to cancer research and the µbone consortium
Arwin Groenewoud and Felix Engel, UK Erlangen Traditionally, we are working on heart development and regeneration as well as cardiac tissue engineering, focusing on methods to get cardiomyocytes to [...]
New publication by µBONE researchers!
We proudly present the new article “CXCR4 positive circulating tumor cells as a potential prognostic biomarker in patients with metastatic prostate cancer treated with radiotherapy” by Daria Klusa et [...]