News & Blog

The value of collaboration
Laura Brylka and Anke Baranowsky, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Being experts in the field of bone biology, we focus our research on how the different cell types in the bone communicate [...]
Thanks for a fantastic year! A peaceful, healthy, joyful and prosperous New Year to you and all your loved ones.
Thanks for a fantastic year! We enjoy working with colleagues like you who are committed to deepen our understanding of bone metastasis through joint research. A peaceful, healthy, joyful [...]
Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile
Die Geschichte der erfolgreichen Forschung durch Einzelne und Kleingruppen ist auserzählt. Der Schlüssel zur Erforschung großer Themen liegt in übergreifender Zusammenarbeit! Krebs als komplexe, systemische Krankheit macht es notwendig, [...]
Pre-christmas science meet&eat in Dresden
According to the motto "Eat&Meet" all Dresden projects met for exchange and discussion on December, 10th. PhD students presented their work and at the same time exercised holding a [...]
Our third workshop presented the exciting world of CTCs
Our third workshop on “Liquid Biopsy – CTC, DTC and more” at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf focused on diagnostic concepts of Liquid Biopsy in cancer research and provided hands-on training [...]
Big concepts start with simple pictures
How come that a scientist with an expertise in the role of the bone marrow microenvironment in leukemia joins forces with a researcher focusing on tumor immunology in brain metastases to tackle questions about bone metastases?
Dr. Lisa Sevenich receives the Beug Foundation Metastasis Prize 2019
The Beug Foundation awards the Metastasis Prize 2019 to three scientists for their contributions in metastasis research. This year, Dr. Lisa Sevenich receives one of the awards for her [...]
Trials, tribulations and first break-throughs
Research requires flexibility and alternative strategies in order to succeed! Dr. Anne Offermann and Prof. Sven Perner, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig Holstein, Campus Lübeck and Leibniz Forschungszentrum Borstel [...]
How tumor cells manage oxygen during bone metastasis
by Diana Gaete, Martina Rauner and Ben Wielockx, TU Dresden And the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine goes to… William Kaelin Jr., Peter Ratcliffe and Gregg Semenza" for [...]
2nd workshop on FACS in Erlangen
by Xia Pu, OncoRay Dresden Our second workshop “Dealing with Flow Cytometry (FCM)/Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)” and “Statistical fire instruction” has been carried out at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen. [...]
Exploring multiple labs through rotations
by Frank Chao-Yuan Chang, TU Dresden, Institute of Physiological Chemistry - MTZ “I want to develop treatments that can improve peoples’ lives”, this is the dream I have had [...]
Das gute Gelingen ist zwar nichts Kleines, fängt aber mit Kleinigkeiten an. (Sokrates)
Martin Kuric, Universität Würzburg Ich schaue auf mein Handy, es ist 9:17. Ich freue mich, dass ich meine Arbeit selbst organisieren darf, das ist heutzutage nicht selbstverständlich . Auf [...]