News & Blog

Women in science
Dr. rer. nat. Regina Ebert, Universität Würzburg Das Fach Biologie hat mich schon während der Schulzeit fasziniert und ich habe mich für ein Biologiestudium entschieden. Durch die verschiedenen Praktika [...]
Metastasen auf der Spur
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Klein, Miodrag Guzvic, Susanna Lissek; Universität Regensburg
The DKK-1 team stays stubborn
The DKK-1 team stays stubborn by Andy Göbel, Stefania Dell’Endice, and Tilman Rachner, TU Dresden Not only our normal lives have been and are still affected by the pandemic [...]
The challenges of being a women in science
Julia Reinhardt, Corinna Wehmeyer, Universität Münster …from the perspective of a PhD student Being a female scientist can definitely be a challenge from time to time. At university you [...]
COVID-19 affects us, but it didn’t slow down the cancers!
By Ilker A. Deniza, Lila Bemmerleinb, Jana Karbanováa, Denis Corbeila, Jan D. Kuhlmannb, and Pauline Wimbergerb at aTissue Engineering Laboratories, Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) and bDepartment of Gynecology and Obstetrics, [...]
Home-office for Scientists – a challenge, an opportunity or both?
Martina Rauner und Stefanie Conrad, TU Dresden, Katharina Jähn, UKE Hamburg The pandemic outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the related disease COVID-19 have placed a major toll on [...]
Second Dresden µBone Conference – focus on bone colonization by tumor cells
Over 70 scientists from Germany’s top institutions in bone and cancer research attended the second µBone conference in Dresden on February 26-28, 2020. An interactive program of lectures, discussion [...]
From bench to bedside
by Isabel Ben Batalla and Janik Engelmann (AG Loges) – II. Medical Clinic and Institute of Tumor Biology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). Cancer research has made tremendous progress [...]
The fat is always a bad guy…even in bone metastases
Aline Bozec, Tobias Bäuerle, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
Three international PhD students from Dresden talk about…
Daria Klusa, Xia Pu and Liza Gorodetska, NCT/OncoRay Dresden
Wer BIN ICH und was WERDE ICH zur Bekämpfung von Krebs tun?
Zwei engagierte Wissenschaftler – ein ambitioniertes Ziel: Klaus Pantel will Tumor-Biomarker entschlüsseln, Lorenz Hofbauer plant die Entstehung von Knochenmetastasen zu verhindern
Who AM I and what will I DO to fight cancer?
Two dedicated scientists – one aim: Klaus Pantel intends to decode tumor biomarker – Lorenz Hofbauer tries to prevent the development of bone metastases