News & Blog

Congratulations to Ielizaveta Gorodetska!
Anna Dubrovska, OncoRay, TU Dresden Congratulations to Ielizaveta Gorodetska for defending her Ph.D. with a summa cum laude! For her doctoral study, Ielizaveta focused on the functional characterization of [...]
Workshops during pandemic times: Our 5th and 6th µBone workshop as well as our PhD exchange meeting took place virtually
Due to the current Covid-19 situation we had to re-organize our workshops from face-to-face to a virtual version, however, both of them were well organized, very informative, interactive, and [...]
COVID slows down research, but doesn’t stop our team from being curious, creative and collaborative
Verena-Wilbeth Sailer, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck In the midst of the pandemic, Alireza Saraji joined our group as Post-Doc for the mbone project. With his experience in high profile [...]
Congratulations to Anastasia Kurzyukova!
On 23rd October Ms Anastasia Kurzyukova successfully defended her master’s thesis on „Extravasation of breast cancer cells in developing bone in zebrafish“ at the CRTD in Dresden (Germany). Anastasia [...]
Frauen in der Wissenschaft
Wissenschaft braucht die besten Köpfe.
Hurdles of the pandemic
Vera Labitzky, UKE, Hamburg The second year of my first PostDoc position has just started, the practical experiments in various projects are in full swing, the project student registered [...]
Clinical Scientists: Combining excellent science with clinical work
Clinical Scientists bring urgent clinical questions to the laboratory. They play a key role in transferring the knowledge gained from basic research to health care and are essential for innovations at the bedside. Microbone supports people who implement scientific progress and translational implications quickly and in the best interests of the patients.
Charity Aktion – Mission des Stoneman Miriquidi erfüllt!
Dr. Fiona Kolbinger und Prof. Lorenz Hofbauer aus dem Dresdner Uniklinikum waren gemeinsam mit Dr. Peter Müller und Dr. Matthias Pohl 12 Stunden und 54 Minuten über 313,2 Kilometer und 5.927 Höhenmeter für die Stiftung Hochschulmedizin unterwegs. Mit ihren Rennrädern sammeln sie Spenden für Menschen mit einer Krebserkrankung.
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak changes the way scientists interact
Hanna Taipaleenmaki, UKE; Eric Hesse, LMU Researchers across the globe interact very actively through several routes, including scientific articles and oral presentations at on-site meetings. Meetings also facilitate personal [...]
Female scientists can be role models for younger generations
By Giulia Furesi and Christine Hofbauer, TU Dresden Gender equity is not just a woman’s issue, it is everyone’s responsibility! A diverse work force is a key prerequisite to [...]
BeWISE – Webseminar
Today’s inspiring webseminar gave us – especially female scientists - the opportunity to meet the speakers of the 2021 conference in advance. We have been equipped with short practical [...]
Women in science
Hannah Manz, University of Würzburg Die Biologie ist eine sehr komplexe Wissenschaft. Fürs Studium habe ich mich entschieden, weil dieses Fach als "Wissenschaft der Lebewesen" jeden einzelnen von uns [...]