News & Blog

A new start after crisis mode
Stefanie Conrad, TU Dresden The past three years have been extraordinarily challenging for researchers, physicians, and in particular for patients. To look into the future with greater confidence, new [...]
AUTOMATION IN SCIENCE (from a PhD student view)
Xuan-Than Le-Phuoc, Bone Lab Dresden BioNTech, one of the leading companies in vaccine production, buying the London AI startup InstaDeep, has emphasized the role of programming – one of [...]
Congratulations to Alexander Schäffer from Frankfurt!
It was already a couple of months ago but we are proud to share that Alexander Schäffer, PhD student in the lab of Hind Medyouf (PI of our µBone [...]
The other side of the medal
We are focusing on the disease of Multiple Myeloma (MM), the most common form of bone marrow (BM) cancer in the US and Europe. This cancer is characterized by [...]
New publication by µBone researchers! MERTK blockade supports bone formation and restricts bone metastasis
Osteoblasts are specialized cells in our bones which are important for bone mineralization. A team of researchers from DKFZ-Hector Cancer Institute at the University Medical Center Mannheim* and University [...]
3 Questions to Dr. Abdullah Alajati
Dr. Abdullah Alajati is one of the Project Leaders of our µBone Project (1) “Deciphering the role of CDCP1 for priming the bone metastatic niche in prostate cancer“ and [...]
Congratulations to Yasmin Antonelli from Heidelberg!
We are proud to share that Yasmin Antonelli, PhD student of Aldo Leal-Egana (PI of our µBone Project 14), recently got the prize for the best PhD presentation at [...]
Carl-Gustav-Carus Förderpreis for Dr. Ielizaveta Gorodetska
Sylvia Thiele, Uniklinikum Dresden Dr. Ielizaveta Gorodetska, who is affiliated with the OncoRay at TU Dresden was honored with the “Carl-Gustav-Carus Förderpreis” of the Stiftung Hochschulmedizin. The prize was [...]
Congratulations to Giulia Furesi for defending her Ph.D. thesis with summa cum laude!
Sylvia Thiele, Uniklinikum Dresden For her doctoral studies in the osteooncology field, Giulia focused on the role of extracellular vesicles in bone-prostate cancer cell crosstalk. Her research emphasizes the [...]
Lorenz Hofbauer, M.D., is this year’s recipient of the Lawrence G. Raisz Award!
by Sylvia Thiele, Uniklinikum Dresden The Award is presented to an ASBMR member for outstanding achievements in preclinical and translational research and includes a plaque presented at a morning [...]
Meetings during pandemic times – our third µBone Retreat was the first virtual Meeting of the entire µBone family
Sylvia Thiele, Uniklinikum Dresden Even though we were not able to interact face-to-face as we did the last two years, it was very inspiring to “meet” everybody again and [...]
Improving prostate cancer diagnosis – the first german textbook on diagnosis of prostate needle biopsies was published by two µBone researchers
Verena-Wilbeth Sailer, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck As part of the µbone consortium, we, Sven Perner (TP20) and Verena Sailer (TP22), organized 2019 the first boot camp workshop in Lübeck [...]