By Giulia Furesi and Christine Hofbauer, TU Dresden
Gender equity is not just a woman’s issue, it is everyone’s responsibility!
A diverse work force is a key prerequisite to achieve scientific innovation and guarantee optimal care of patients by enhancing productivity, problem solving, and teamwork. Even though the number of women pursuing a professional career has been increasing over the past decades, female scientists, especially in leading positions, still remain underrepresented. This lingering of gender differences is often because of limited opportunities to interact with women directly involved in these fields. Exposing female students to successful women scientists could help to diminish stereotypes and to overcome the notion that only men can attain academic excellence and recognition.
Enhancing visibility of female role models and mentors can potentially raise aspirations of younger generations and boost their confidence to pursue more challenging careers.
A great role model and mentor can offer guidance and critical insight into how research needs to be conducted; she can provide emotional support and help students to widen their horizons with regard to their professional development.
Importantly, having a role model does not necessary mean searching for a nobel prize laureate. Female researchers within our uBONE consortium represent a striking example of inspirational figures. PhD students, researchers or clinicians can offer mentoring and be admirable role models by performing great science, leading successful national and international projects, as well as being part of a loving family .
Women are strong and can stand up for what they believe. We should continue to strive and inspire young girls demonstrating them that it is not gender that determines the chances of success and that we are not “women in science”, we are scientists!
[Foto: Amac Garbe]